It seemed like we were in a state of war

Luca Cepparo
2 min readJan 8, 2021

A short story from a photographer documenting Covid

Bergamo, April 2nd 2020 - Photo taken by me

Erik, clinical risk manager, was the first “guide” I had when I started documenting Covid in Bergamo during the first months of 2020.

He told me how everything started, describing me what was happening and how their everyday life had changed in hospital.

It seemed like we were in a state of war

was the statement I most often heard from him and the people I had the chance to talk to.

“A constant flow of ambulances, 24 hours a day. Once arrived, all they could do was waiting in line. We had no oxygen, no beds, no spaces at all. To manage the emergency, we decided to knock down some walls, in order to create additional spaces, turning them into emergency rooms for Covid patients. We equipped every room with cameras, to be able to visually control the situation”.

Bergamo, April 2nd 2020 — Photo taken by me

I’m a documentary photographer and film maker.

I love to tell real stories.

Feel free to follow me on Instagram here.

